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Axel is the Managing Partner of Fragomen’s Frankfurt office, where he has played a pivotal role in developing Fragomen’s German practice since 2016. Under his leadership, the practice has grown from 50 to 130 employees, becoming a well-established presence in the German market. His strategic focus has significantly enhanced the firm’s visibility and reputation across multiple sectors in the highly competitive German market.
A key contributor to Fragomen’s Automotive Industry Sector Group, Axel has driven its growth while also focusing on the particular needs of engineering businesses, especially those involved in maintenance, field service and installation work for globally active, export-oriented companies. Axel excels in providing comprehensive solutions that address not only immigration law but also labor law, social security and HR compliance—ensuring that all aspects of international business operations are in sync.
Axel’s client service philosophy is rooted in trust, integrity and a deep understanding of the corporate world, which he experienced before joining Fragomen. He believes in being a trusted advisor who offers practical, realistic solutions while maintaining transparency. Axel communicates clearly, guiding clients through complex challenges with empathy and a focus on their needs. He strives to make sure clients feel heard and supported, offering honest advice and pragmatic alternatives when needed.
- Christian-Albrechts-University zu Kiel, Second State Exam, honours , 2000
- Christian-Albrechts-University zu Kiel, Doctor of Law, summa cum laude , 1997
- Christian-Albrechts-University zu Kiel, First State Exam, honours , 1995
More from Axel
Bar Admissions: Rechtsanwaltskammer Frankfurt am Main [Frankfurt Bar Association]
Named to Best Lawyers in Germany, 2021-2025
Professional accomplishments
Member, Bundesverband der Arbeitsrechtler in Unternehmnen (BVAU) [Federal Association of Corporate Labor Counsels]
Directed and oversaw all matters and internal legal guidelines in the fields of labor law and immigration law related to international employee assignments for a large multinational corporation.
Oversaw the operational processing of assignments and risk management, and was responsible for the arbitration of legal conflicts.
Implemented a framework to ensure that employee assignments are processed in a manner in line with meeting business needs while safeguarding legal compliance.
Developed a labor and immigration law framework for cross-border assignments, including temporary hiring of personnel for over 120 jurisdictions.
Integrated labor and immigration law into the tax optimized project planning for cross-border business transactions.
Publications and lectures
Moderator, "Fragomen Germany Global Mobility Forum.“ Fragomen, Frankfurt, Germany, 19 November 2024.
Author, “ Ein Jahr Fachkräfteeinwanderungsgesetz – Im Blickpunkt: Bestandsaufnahme und erste Bilanz.“ Anwaltsspiegel, 12 May 2021.
Interviewee, "Wir erwarten, dass die Entsendung von Fachkräften in die USA leichter wird.“ Expat News, 17 March 2021.
Author, “A1 Bescheinigung: Komplex, unklar, riskant.” Personal Magazin, 18 June 2019.
Author, “Kommt die erhoffte A1-Erleichterung?” Außenhandelspraxis, 14 January 2019.
Author, “Wenn Mitarbeiter aus dem Ausland zurückkehren.” Business Wissen, 9 January, 2019.
Author, “Kommt die gewünschte Erleichterung?” Nachrichten für Außenhandel, 10 December 2018.
Author, “Neue Richtlinien für Mitarbeiterentsendungen treten in Kraft.” Nachrichten für Außenhandel, 20 July 2018.
Author, “Überarbeitung der EU-Entsenderichtlinie.” Der Betrieb, 15 July 2018.
Author, “Wir brauchen faire Bedingungen.” Arbeit und Arbeitsrecht, 6 June 2018.
Author, “Risiko Auslandsentsendung: Wenn fern der Heimat der Staatsanwalt droht.” ExpatNews, 13 February 2018.
Author, “Kurzfristig unterwegs in Europa.” Personal Magazin, 2 February 2018.
Axel’s insights
November 19, 2024 | Conference
September 30, 2024 | Awards
September 19, 2024 | Conference