European Union: Optional EU-Wide Posted Worker Notification Form In Development
February 3, 2022
At a Glance
- The European Commission is planning to develop an EU-wide, multilingual, common e-declaration form aimed at simplifying the Posted Worker Notification process across the European Union, scheduled for Q3-Q4 2022.
- The new notification form will be voluntary, allowing EU Member States the choice of using the new form; and would include a helpdesk functionality hosted by the European Labour Authority.
- The proposal is still in the drafting phase, with current and upcoming consultations ongoing between EU authorities, social partners and EU Member States.
The situation
The European Commission is planning to develop an EU-wide, multilingual, common e-declaration form aimed at simplifying the Posted Worker Notification process across the European Union. The proposal is still in the drafting phase, with current and upcoming consultations ongoing between EU authorities, social partners and EU Member States.
A closer look
The new notification form will be voluntary, allowing EU Member States the choice of using the new form; and would include a helpdesk functionality hosted by the European Labour Authority.
Whereas this new form has the potential to simplify compliance with Posted Worker Notification filings, due to its voluntary nature, EU Member States may prefer to maintain current national forms despite the benefits of the EU-wide form.
Due to the complex nature of Posted Worker Notification fillings across EU Member States, the European Commission is aiming to simplify the notification process and to incorporate the state-of-the-art technology for Posted Worker Notification Filings.
The project will not entail any policy or regulatory changes, but will focus solely on simplifying the procedural hurdles companies encounter when filing Posted Worker Notifications. There is no intention to create one European portal for filings; the current national portals will be maintained.
Looking ahead
Fragomen’s sources in the European Commission confirmed that the first draft of the EU-wide form is set to be ready in Q3-Q4 2022. Following the completion of the form, its technical implementation will follow suit.
Fragomen will continue monitoring the evolution of this process and provide input to EU decision-makers on the practical challenges businesses encounter and potential solutions. We will report on the progress of this development.
This alert is for informational purposes only. If you have any questions, please contact the global immigration professional with whom you work at Fragomen or send an email to [email protected].