Netherlands: Online Filing System to be Implemented for Short-Term Work Permit Applications
June 2, 2022
At a Glance
- Starting July 1, 2022, employers who file short-term work permit applications with the Dutch Employee Insurance Agency (UWV) will need to submit these applications online through the UWV Werkgeversportaal portal.
- Employers will be notified of decisions both through the online portal and through hard copy mail filings.
- Through June 30, 2022, employers can continue to file short-term work permit applications in hard copy through regular mail.
- The new system will reduce processing times for and allow employers to better track short-term work permit applications.
The situation
Starting July 1, 2022, employers who file short-term work permit applications with the Dutch Employee Insurance Agency (UWV) will need to submit these applications online through the UWV Werkgeversportaal portal.
A closer look
- Hard copy filings will no longer be accepted. The UWV will only accept hard copy short-term work permit applications submitted by mail through June 30, 2022. After that date, the UWV will switch to the online filing system and will no longer accept hard copy applications.
- Access to online filing portal. To access the online filing system, employers will need to obtain electronic identity certification (eHerkenning) via a government platform, if they do not already have one. The Immigration Authority already uses this certification for its online filings. Alternatively, employers can authorize an immigration service provider with suitable electronic identity certification to file online applications on their behalf (e.g., Fragomen has electronic certification suitable to access the UWV online filing system). The authorization process is detailed on the UWV website.
- Decisions. Under the new system, the UWV will mail application decisions to the authorized representative and upload them to the online portal.
- Faster processing times. For applications filed online, government processing will start from the moment of online application filing, removing postal processing and system registration time from the process. Similarly, approvals will be uploaded online, removing the risk of hardcopy approvals getting lost or delayed in regular mail.
- Tracking of application. Employers will be able to track their application online, which will provide clearer updates on the progress of the application.
Several Dutch public services have moved processes online over the past few years: the Dutch Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND) has been accepting online applications for several years; the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment launched an online posted worker notification portal in February 2020; and the Dutch Education Institute accepts online requests for diploma accreditation (a process step for EU Blue Card applications).
The UWV seeks to streamline the short-term work permit application process, both by improving transparency on the processing stage and ease submission of additional documents and information if needed.
Looking ahead
Employers are advised to arrange electronic identity certification, or authorize a suitable legal representative equipped with electronic certification, in time for the online filing system launch. There are no specific plans to digitize further immigration services for the time being.
This alert is for informational purposes only. If you have any questions, please contact the global immigration professional with whom you work at Fragomen or send an email to [email protected].