New Zealand: Information on the New Accredited Employer Work Visa Program Released
April 21, 2022
At a Glance
- The New Zealand government announced that the new Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) program will open for Employer Accreditation applications from May 23, 2022, Job Check applications from June 20, 2022 and Migrant Check (Work Visa) applications from July 4, 2022.
- Furthermore, the government released updated requirements for each of the stages of the AEWV program, including streamlined requirements for the Employer Accreditation Check stage, stricter requirements for the Job Check stage and clarified requirements for the Migrant Check stage.
- Applicants must pay lodgment fees for each Job Check stage depending on the nature of the accreditation, the entity being accredited and the specific circumstances of the job and migrant checks.
The situation
The New Zealand government has confirmed that the new Accredited Employer Work visa (AEWV) program will require three checks before an employer can hire a migrant worker – the Employer Check (Employer Accreditation), the Job Check (labour market testing) and the Migrant Worker Check (visa application). The government also released new information including updated requirements and implementation dates for each stage of the AEWV process.
A closer look
Employer Accreditation Check Stage. Employers can start applying for the new Employer Accreditation on May 23, 2022. |
Job Check Stage. Accredited employers can start submitting Job Check applications on June 20, 2022. |
Migrant Check Stage. Applicants can start applying for the new AEWV (where employer accreditation and job checks have been completed) starting July 4, 2022. |
- Simplified process. With this new visa, the government is seeking to support businesses and regions in New Zealand in filling skills shortages by simplifying the visa application process and streamlining labour market tests for higher-paid roles.
- Long-awaited implementation. Changes to the current process have been contemplated by the New Zealand government as early as 2019 and the implementation has been delayed from its earlier expected implementation date of early 2021.
Looking ahead
The New Zealand government will likely introduce further requirements for high-volume employers and introduce additional restrictions for a limited number of roles in the future as a way for the government to control and protect certain industries and local labour markets.
This alert is for informational purposes only. If you have any questions, please contact the global immigration professional with whom you work at Fragomen or send an email to [email protected].