No-Deal Brexit Plans for UK Nationals Published
February 12, 2019
The situation
The Lithuanian government has published plans for the treatment of UK nationals residing in Lithuania, to take effect after March 29, 2019 in case of a no-deal Brexit scenario.
A closer look
The published plans include the following details:
- Grace period. There would be a nine-month grace period, commencing on March 30, 2019, during which time UK nationals residing in Lithuania would be required to apply for a national residence permit, which takes up to three months to process. The national residence permit would be issued under requirements more favorable than under the standard residence permit. The details of those requirements will be published in due time.
- Continued work and stay. UK nationals currently residing in Lithuania would be able to continue working and staying in Lithuania during this period.
- Non-EU family members. Non-EU family members of UK nationals holding a corresponding residence permit would similarly be able to continue staying in Lithuania until December 31, 2019. However, non-EU family members of UK nationals who seek to stay in Lithuania after this date would have to obtain a different national permit type during the nine-month grace period.
- Work after December 31, 2019. UK nationals who seek to work in Lithuania past December 31, 2019 would not need to obtain a work permit but would need to apply for a temporary residence permit for work, which can take up to three months to obtain.
- New arrivals. It is not yet clear whether UK nationals arriving on or after March 30, 2019 will similarly benefit from favorable eligibility requirements for national permits.
UK nationals who will continue to work and reside in Lithuania past March 29, 2019 should ensure that they obtain a certificate of residence, if not yet in place. UK nationals should take the necessary steps to obtain any documents required to apply for immigration status in due time. UK nationals should also contact their local immigration offices to see if they are able to register or apply for their proper immigration status prior to Brexit Day.
The proposal is a part of the government’s contingency planning in case no Brexit deal is concluded between the European Union and the United Kingdom before March 29, 2019.
Many other EU countries have published contingency plans for UK nationals in case of a no-deal Brexit, with more expected soon. Fragomen will provide updates on the situation as they become available.
Looking ahead
Further details have yet to be announced but the plans will require further steps to be effectuated. Fragomen will provide updates on the situation as they become available.
Please contact a Fragomen immigration professional for assistance in planning contingency arrangements in a single project.
For more information, please visit Fragomen's dedicated Brexit site, which contains news, FAQs, and analysis/commentary in the form of blogs, videos, webcasts and events.
This alert is for informational purposes only. If you have any questions, please contact the global immigration professional with whom you work at Fragomen or send an email to [email protected].