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Jo leads the Fragomen Consulting initiative within the Benelux region, providing companies with European-wide strategic mobility solutions underpinned by cutting-edge technology and concentrating on short-term intra-EU travel and compliance. Based in Brussels, she drives the firm’s government strategies and advisory services for Europe, working closely with various European institutions on European immigration policy, including representing Fragomen in the European Commission Expert Group on Economic Migration.
Jo has spoken as an immigration law expert at numerous national and international seminars and has authored a list of publications related to economic migration. Jo has contributed to various focused studies on migration for the European Commission, the OECD and the European Migration Network (EMN). Most recently he conducted a study commissioned by the Canadian Mission to the EU on the implementation of the Chapter 10 (and relevant Annexes) in the CETA agreement on temporary entry and stay of natural persons for business purposes in selected EU Member States, as well as a study for Radboud University on the interaction between EU Trade Commitments (GATS and bilateral) and immigration rules in EU Member States in view of identifying potential inconsistencies and regulatory gaps. She was also part of the legal experts group overseeing the Legal Migration Fitness Check conducted by the European Commission.
Jo’s thorough knowledge of all aspects of global mobility, ranging from immigration to social security and individual labor law and posted worker solutions, gives her a well-rounded and strategic view of immigration-based advice on behalf of her clients and government stakeholders.
Jo speaks English, Dutch and French and has a working knowledge of Spanish.
- Catholic University of Leuven, LL.M., 1992
More from Jo
Bar Admissions: Brussels
Named to Best Lawyers in Belgium, 2021-2023
Professional accomplishments
Member, HR Committee, American Chamber of Commerce in Belgium
Member, Trans-Atlantic Business Council (TABC)
Member, Human Capital and Talent Committee and Chair Corporate Immigration Taskforce
Has more than 20 years of experience in managing global engagements, as well as Belgian and European immigration, social security and posted worker policy and advisory work.
Partnered with private clients to meet their immigration needs in the context of estate and fiscal planning.
Acted as a legal adviser to governments and international organisations.
Publications and lectures
Speaker, “Creating Skills Mobility Partnerships and Legal Pathways that Work for Employers.” Fragomen, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, and the International Organisation of Employers, Webinar, 14 November 2023.
Co-author, “The Interaction between EU trade commitments and immigration rules in EU Member States” Radboud University – Centre for Migration Law, Nijmegen, December 2021.
Co-author, “Brexit : Verblijven en werken in België post-Brexit (Brexit : Living and working in Belgium post-Brexit)” Migratie in cijfers en in rechten - Jaarverslag Migratie 2021 : Economische migratie, vrij verkeer en studenten (Migration in figures and in rights – Annual Report Migration 2021 : Economic migration, free movement and students), Myria, 2021.
Co-author, “Moving to Belgium as an EU citizen. Registration formalities for EU workers, self-employed persons, jobseekers and their family members in Belgium, with a comparative outlook”, Myria, 2021.
Co-speaker, “Voorstelling studie loket vrij verkeer (Presentation Study on the Free movement of EU citizens and their family members)”, Myria, December 10, 2021.
Co-speaker, “Professional qualifications and temporary entry”, Canadian-EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) SME Business Workshop, December 8, 2021.
Co-speaker, “Blue Card Directive Recast”, Radboud University – Centre for Migration Law, October 18, 2021.
Co-speaker, “Business travel: what does the future hold?” and “How technology is enhancing the mobility experience?”, Fragomen EMEA Conference 2021, October 6-7, 2021.
Co-speaker, “Which Policy for Legal Migration in the EU?”, Odysseus Summer School, ULB, July 6, 2021.
Speaker, “Covid-19 and European migration strategies – an update”, ERA Annual Conference on European Migration Law, May 7, 2021.
Co-author, “What it takes to have a successful new Blue Card scheme: The practitioner’s viewpoint”, European Law Journal, April 28, 2021.
Speaker, “Brexit: Economic migration between Belgium & UK”, VBO/FEB, March 3, 2021.
Co-author, “Attracting and Protecting Seasonable Workers from Third Countries in the EU” Focussed Study of the Belgian National Contact Point of the European Migration Network (EMN), January 2021.
Co-author, “Attracting and Retaining foreign talent across the EU: comparative overview of Member States’ policies” in The Students and Researcher Directive: Central Themes, Problem Issues and Implementation in Selected Member States, Wolf Legal Publishers, 2020.
Co-speaker, “Europe – Solutions for 2021 and Beyond”, SHRM Global Mobility & Immigration Symposium, November 17, 2020.
Speaker, “Klaar voor de nieuwe relatie tussen EU en het VK : Tewerkstelling? (Ready for the new relationship between the EU and the UK: Employment?)”, VBO/FEB, October 28, 2020.
Speaker, “Reflections of the India Transformation Technology Industry on EU Legal Migration Framework”, ILO, April 30, 2020.
Co-author, “Migratory pathways for start-ups and innovative entrepreneurs in Belgium.” Focused Study of the Belgian National Contact Point of the European Migration Network (EMN), December 18, 2019.
Co-speaker, “Developments in the field of economic migration in Belgium : comparative overview of new policies in the regions and challenges” Asylum and Immigration Policy Event 2019 of the European Migration Network (EMN), December 10, 2019.
Co-speaker, “Attracting and Retaining foreign talent across the EU: comparative overview of Member States’ policies”, Radboud University – Centre for Migration Law, Nijmegen, November 15, 2019.
Speaker, “How attractive are we for international talent and what needs to be done.” OECD event on OECD Indicators of Talent Attractiveness, May 29, 2019.
Speaker, “Intra-corporate transfers of non-EU workers: current assessment of adopted measures.” ERA Annual Conference on European Migration Law, May 16, 2019.
Speaker, “Brexit: Current state of play and solutions in Europe.” Fragomen Seminar, San Francisco and New York, April 2019.
Speaker, “Immigration Planning.” FEM Belgium Chapter, Brussels, February 21, 2019.
Speaker, “Changes in the Belgian Immigration Landscape and related Regional Policies.” AMCHAM Belgium HR Committee, Brussels, January 17, 2019.
Speaker, “Wijzigingen in het Belgische en Vlaamse landschap rond economische migratie : Wat te verwachten in 2019 (Changes in the Belgian and Flemish Immigration Landscape: What to expect in 2019).” VOKA, Kortrijk, December 20, 2018.
Speaker, “Changes to Belgian Immigration law and what to expect next year.” Fragomen Seminar, Brussels, November 29, 2018.
Speaker, “Mode 4 Commitments in Action.” WTO Seminar “Mode 4 At Work, Geneve, October 10, 2018.
Speaker, “EU Strategies and Posted Workers.” Fragomen EMEA Conference 2018 – Immigration 2025: The changing face of immigration, Brussels, September 26-28, 2018.
Speaker, “Can Business operate across borders in the EU?” Fragomen seminar, Brussels, June 26, 2018.
Co-Author, “The Intra-Corporate Transfer Permit and Mobility in the European Union: The Business Perspective.” In The Intra Corporate Transferee Directive: Central Themes, Problem Issues and Implementation in Selected Member States (p.67). Wolf Legal Publishers, 2018.
Speaker, “Migration Openness Index”, OECD Working Party on Migration, June 25, 2018.
Speaker, “Posted Workers in the EU: Impact on mobility, employees and what you need to know”, Fragomen seminar, Brussels, March 14 & July 3, 2018.
Speaker, “Tewerkstelling en verblijf van buitenlandse arbeidskrachten : een stand van zaken” (Employment and Stay of Foreign Employees: An update), M&D Seminars, Groot-Bijgaarden, November 28, 2017.
Speaker, “Fragomen Global Immigration Seminar in Japan: European Union Immigration Update”, Fragomen Global Immigration Seminar, Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, November 15-17, 2017.
Speaker, “The Intra Corporate Transferee Permit in practice: variables in implementation in the EU Member States”, Radboud University – Centre for Migration Law, Nijmegen, November 10, 2017.
Speaker, “Companies in the globalized world.” Panel presentation, EMN Annual Conference/EE EU Presidency Conference on Migration, Tallinn, September 21, 2017.
Speaker, “Towards a Truly European Permit.” Webinar, NetExpat Global HR Think Tank, Brussels, September 12, 2017.
Author, “De Belgische nationaliteitswetgeving benadeelt Britse EU-ambtenaren (Belgian nationality legislation is detrimental to British EU officials).” Knack, 4 September 2017: n. pag. Web.
Speaker, “Immigratie naar België: aandachtspunten voor de vermogensplanning van uw client (Immigration to Belgium: Considerations for Estate Planning).” Seminar, Estate Planning Days M&D Seminars, Sint-Niklaas, August 25, 2017.
Speaker, “Brexit: A View From The Continent.” Panel presentation, Talent Mobility - EMEA Policy & Strategy Summit 2017, Amsterdam, June 22, 2017.
Speaker, “Added value of the reform of the EU Blue Card Directive.” Panel presentation, ERA Annual Conference on European Migration Law – Focus on the Reform of the EU Legal Migration System, Brussels, June 15, 2017.
Speaker, “Immigration Trends and Challenges Across Europe” and “When in Rome… - The Essentials for Localising an Employee.” Panel presentation, 45thAnnual IBIS Academy, Cannes, May 1-5, 2017.
Speaker, “China’s New Immigration Policy and Brexit Update.” Seminar, Fragomen China Breakfast Briefing, Shanghai, March 22, 2017.
Speaker, “Legal Migration: How Blue will the New Card be?” Panel presentation, Odysseus Annual Conference on Beyond ‘Crisis’? The State of Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy in the EU, Brussels, February 10, 2017.
Speaker, “A new proposal for the EU Blue Card Scheme and what this means for businesses.” Webinar, Fragomen, September 13, 2016.
Speaker, “Towards a coherent EU labour immigration policy.” Public hearing, European Economic and Social Committee, Brussels, September 8, 2016.
Speaker, “What is new in Immigration Regulations in Belgium.” Lecture, Expat Network Meeting at Donaldson, Leuven, June 16, 2016.
Speaker, “The EU Blue Card.” Seminar, NetExpat Global HR Think Tank, Brussels, June 14, 2016.
Speaker, “How the Schengen Legislation in the current European landscape impacts your immigration approach?” Seminar, Fragomen, Brussels, June 7, 2016.
Speaker, “How the Schengen Legislation in the current European landscape impacts your immigration approach?” Lecture, FEM Belgium Chapter Meeting, Brussels, June 2, 2016.
Co-author, “Changes in immigration status and purpose of stay: an overview of EU Member States approaches.” Focussed Study of the Belgian National Contact Point of the European Migration Network (EMN), May 2016.
Speaker, “What is new in Immigration Regulations in Belgium?” Presentation, ABRA AGM and Member Meeting, Brussels, May 19, 2016.
Speaker, “Facts, Policy Developments and what’s next for Europe?” Fragomen webinar, January 27, 2016.
Co-author, “Admitting Third-Country Nationals for Business Purposes in Belgium.” Focussed Study of the Belgian National Contact Point of the European Migration Network (EMN), January 2015.
Interviewee, “Als HR de grens over trekt…” (“When HR crosses external borders…”). Interview, HR Magazine, November 2014.
Co-author, “De tewerkstelling van hooggeschoolde buitenlandse arbeidskrachten op de Belgische arbeidsmarkt” (“The Employment of Highly Skilled Foreign Nationals on the Belgian Labour Market”). In Ontwikkelingen in het Europees, Belgisch en Vlaams arbeidsmigratierecht Migratie- en Migratenrecht 15 (Developments in the European, Belgian and Flemish labour migration law), Die Keure, 2014.
Speaker, “Immigratie en de nood aan fiscale en estate planning” (“Immigration and the Need for Fiscal and Estate Planning”). M&D Seminars, Leuven, March 19, 2014.
Speaker, “Arbeidsmigratie van hooggeschoolden: Blauwe kaart en anderen” (“Labour migration of highly skilled workers: European Blue Card and other permits”). Ontwikkelingen in het Europees, Belgisch en Vlaams arbeidsmigratierecht, Studiedag Universiteit Antwerpen, Antwerpen, November 19, 2013.
Speaker, “Immigratie en de nood aan fiscale en estate planning” (“Immigration and the Need for Fiscal and Estate Planning”). Grensoverschrijdende Tewerkstelling en Mobiliteit, Themadag M&D Seminars, Gent, November 8, 2013.
Speaker, “Het aantrekken van hooggeschoolde en geschoolde buitenlandse arbeidskrachten. Belgisch en Europees perspectief” (“Attracting Highly Qualified and Qualified Third Country Nationals. Belgian and European Perspective”). European Migration Network (EMN) – National Contact Point Belgium, Brussels, September 30, 2013.
Co-author, “Attracting Highly Qualified and Qualified Third Country Nationals to Belgium.” Focussed Study of the Belgian National Contact Point of the European Migration Network (EMN), July 2013.
Speaker, “Business Migration of Highly Skilled Workers.” Amcham, Belgium, June 18, 2013.
Speaker, “Economic Migration in Belgium and the EU – Trends and New Developments.” Intercompany Expatriation Network, Brussels, June 13, 2013.
Speaker, “Le recours à la main d’oeuvre étrangère qualifiée: quelques réponses en terme de mobilité et de permis de travail” (“Attracting highly skilled foreign workforce – impact on mobility and work permits”). Brussels Enterprises and Industry (BECI), Brussels, April 22, 2013.
Speaker, “Immigratie en Estate Planning” (“Immigration and Estate Planning”). Estate Planning Skilled Group, Brussels, February 21, 2013.
Speaker, “Arbeidsmigratie en vrij verkeer in de praktijk” (“Labor migration and free movement in practice”). ACV Studiedag, Brussels, December 15, 2012.
Author, “Eindelijk een Europese arbeidskaart” (“Finally a European work permit”). P&O Praktijkblad, Nr., June 6, 2011.
Speaker, “Salary split: werken bij de buren” (“Salary split with neighboring countries”). EHSAL-FHS Seminar, Brussels, March 8, 2010.
Co-Author, “Nouvelle couverture sociale pour les travailleurs migrants” (“New social security coverage for migrant workers”). L’Echo, September 24, 2009.
Speaker, “Global Sourcing - Sourcing in India.” Vereniging voor Inkoop en Bedrijfslogistiek, Brussels, November 22, 2006.
Speaker, “Studeren en werken in een ander land van de EU” (“Study and work in another EU Member State”). Directie EEG- Dienst Externe Relaties van de Provincie West-Vlaanderen, Kortrijk, May 11, 2006.
Contributor, “Freeing up the European work-permit system.” Interview with Jeremy Slater, Expatica HR, June 6, 2005.
Author, “The extension of EC-Regulation 1408/71 to third-country nationals.” Expat News, Nr, April 4, 2003.
Co-Author, “International employment from a ‘New Europe’ perspective,” Expat News, Nr, February 2, 2002.
Author, “A smorgasbord of healthcare (Part II).” Expat News, Nr, January 1, 2002.
Author, “A smorgasbord of healthcare (Part I).” Expat News, Nr, December 12, 2001.
Author, “Association Agreements with Central and East European Countries.” Expat News, Nr 7/8, July/August 2001.
Speaker, “Tendenzen inzake salary-splits met Nederland en Frankrijk” (“Tendencies in respect of salary splits with The Netherlands and France”). De Tijd, Gent & Brussels, April 27 and November 21, 2000.
Co-Author, “Union européenne et processus de convergence sociale” (“European Union and the process of social convergence”). Revue belge de sécurité sociale, Special edition, 1998.
Author, “Juridische analyse van de Europese integratie op de OCMW-steunverlening” (“Juridical analysis of the European integration on social assistance”). In Twintig jaar Openbare Centra voor Maatschappelijk Welzijn, Gemeenschappelijke Gemeenschapscommissie van het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, Acco, 1998.
Speaker, “Ruimtelijke zorgmigraties van bestaansminimumtrekkers in de Europese Unie” (“Free movement of non-active persons in the European Union”). 20 jaar OCMW, CASUM/FTU/OSE, February 19, 1997.
Speaker, “La convergence des politiques sociales en Europe” (“Convergence of social policy in Europe”). FEC - Formation de formateurs, La Hulpe, June 27, 1996.
Speaker, “Vergelijking sociale zekerheidssystemen” (“Comparison social security schemes”). ACV - Eures, vorming euroconsulenten, Kortrijk, November 7, 1995.
Speaker, “Protection sociale et revenu minimum” (“Social protection and minimum income”). FEC - Formation des permanents, La Hulpe, June 29, 1995.
Speaker, “Etat des lieux des politiques sociales européennes” (“European social policy at stake”). Fédération des Syndicats Chrétiens de Charleroi, Charleroi, January 24 and 30, 1995.
Author, “Sociale zekerheid en vrij verkeer van personen” (“Social security and free movement of persons”). In Werken aan Europa, 85-90. Kampen: Kok-Kampen, 1994.
Speaker, “De la sécurité sociale nationale à la sécurité sociale européenne: Scénario absurde ou perspectives concretes” (“From national to European social security”). FEC - Formation des permanents, Ny-Hotton, December 15, 1994.
Speaker, “Employment in the European Union and the Green Paper of the European Commission.” Key to Europe - Personnel Management in a European Context, Brussels, May 6, 1994.
Speaker, “Vij verkeer van personen” (“Free movement of persons”). ACV Provinciale Ontmoetingsdagen rond Europa, De Haan, February 24, 1994.
Co-Author, “België.” In Rechterlijke toetsing aan het gelijkheidsbeginsel in het sociale zekerheidsrecht in rechtsvergelijkend perspectief (A comparative law perspective of judicial review of the principle of equality in social security law). Commissie Onderzoek Sociale Zekerheid, Tilburg, 67-102. Vuga, 1993.
Jo’s insights
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October 22, 2024 — October 23, 2024 | Conference
October 17, 2024 | Fragomen news